Achieve more with less using AI and Automation.

What’s a Fractional CAO?

The Role of the Fractional CAO

A Fractional Chief Automation Officer (CAO) is a part-time executive who specializes in integrating advanced automation and AI solutions into your business operations. Unlike a full-time executive, a Fractional CAO works with your company on a part-time basis, providing high-level expertise without the commitment and cost of a full-time role.

Key Responsibilities

Strategic Automation Planning: The Fractional CAO develops and oversees the implementation of automation strategies that streamline your business processes, enhance productivity, and reduce operational costs.

AI Integration: They leverage the latest AI technologies to optimize workflows, improve data management, and drive decision-making processes.

Operational Efficiency: By identifying and eliminating bottlenecks, a Fractional CAO ensures that your business runs more smoothly and efficiently.

Scalable Solutions: They design systems that not only meet your current needs but also scale with your business as it grows, ensuring long-term sustainability and competitiveness.

Hands-on Leadership: Depending on your business’s requirements, the Fractional CAO can take a hands-on approach, leading projects, managing teams, and directly implementing solutions to guarantee successful outcomes.

Benefits of Having a Fractional CAO

Immediate Efficiency Boost

A Fractional CAO identifies and addresses operational bottlenecks, delivering quick improvements that enhance your business’s efficiency right from the start.

Cost-Effective Expertise

Gain access to high-level automation and AI expertise without the expense of a full-time executive, making it a smart financial choice for businesses of all sizes.

Customized Solutions

Receive tailored automation strategies that fit your unique business needs, ensuring the best outcomes for your specific challenges and goals.

Scalable Systems

Implement automation solutions that grow with your business, ensuring long-term efficiency and adaptability as your company expands.

Focus on Core Activities

With automation tasks handled, you and your team can concentrate on strategic initiatives and core business functions, driving growth and innovation.

Enhanced Competitive Edge

Stay ahead of the competition by leveraging the latest in automation technology, ensuring your business operates faster and more efficiently than others still using outdated methods.

By bringing a Fractional CAO on board, you transform your business operations, increase productivity, and prepare for future success—all while maintaining a cost-effective approach.

Some of what we’ve done

Real examples of how we’ve helped our clients

Ecommerce: Increased SEO-optimized blog production by 10x with the same team, maintaining high quality.

Pharmaceutical Company 1: Automated client communications, providing real-time order status and inventory updates via WhatsApp, integrated with their databases.

Pharmaceutical Company 2: Transitioned from manual email support to an automated ticketing system, saving hundreds of hours and boosting customer satisfaction.

Amazon SaaS Client 1: Developed an automated order validation and rebate processing system, managing thousands of orders weekly with only one customer support agent.

Amazon SaaS Client 2: Enhanced customer engagement efficiency and response times with a revamped system.

Insurance Company: Streamlined customer service using AI chatbots, improving responsiveness on both the website and social media.

How we’ll work together

Understanding Your Business

We start with initial consultations where I meet with key management to understand your business’s unique nuances, challenges, and objectives.

Identifying Goals and Bottlenecks

Together, we pinpoint your main objectives, existing processes, and any bottlenecks that are hindering your growth. This helps in formulating a clear picture of where improvements are needed.

Developing an Action Plan

We create a strategic plan that prioritizes high-leverage actions for quick wins and significant results. This plan will outline the next steps and focus on areas that can deliver immediate and impactful improvements.

Implementation and Leadership

I work closely with your team to coach, lead, manage, and implement the defined actions. This hands-on approach ensures that the strategies are effectively integrated into your operations, driving sustained success. And, if necessary, my team can take on the implementation aspects.

Focus on Core Activities

With automation tasks handled, you and your team can concentrate on strategic initiatives and core business functions, driving growth and innovation.

Achieving Fast Results

My approach is designed to deliver fast, tangible results. By focusing on high-impact areas and leveraging automation, we aim to see noticeable improvements in your business’s efficiency and productivity within the first month.

This collaborative process ensures that we address your specific needs, leverage your team’s strengths, and implement solutions that bring lasting benefits to your business.

Meet your Fractional CAO

Who is Gustavo Boregio?

Gustavo is an accomplished professional with a robust background in electronic engineering and business management. With an MBA and years of experience in corporate roles, Gustavo transitioned to entrepreneurship in 2017, leveraging his technical and strategic expertise to drive business success.

Carrer Highlights

Electronic Engineer with MBA: Gustavo’s strong foundation in engineering and business management enables him to seamlessly integrate technical solutions with strategic business goals.

Corporate Experience: With significant experience in corporate environments, Gustavo understands the complexities of large-scale operations and the importance of efficiency and innovation.

Entrepreneurial Journey: Since 2017, Gustavo has been actively involved in various entrepreneurial ventures, focusing on automation, AI, and process optimization to help businesses streamline their operations and enhance productivity.

Automation and AI Specialist: Gustavo specializes in implementing cutting-edge automation and AI solutions, tailored to meet the unique needs of each business, ensuring sustainable growth and operational independence.

Gustavo’s blend of technical know-how, strategic insight, and hands-on experience makes him the perfect fit for the Fractional CAO position. He is dedicated to transforming business operations through innovative automation strategies, helping companies achieve remarkable efficiency and growth.

Ready to transform your business?

If you’re looking to boost your efficiency and set your business up for smart growth, I’m here to help with tailored automation solutions. I take on just a few clients at a time to ensure each receives my undivided attention and the highest quality of service.

Let’s Make Things Better, Together

My availability is limited because I commit fully to my clients’ success. If you’re ready to streamline your operations and enhance efficiency, let’s chat soon. Together, we can make your business processes smoother and more efficient.